Ocean Trace - Fruit Trees

(Sarasota, Florida USA)

On July 3, sprayed test trees with 8 oz./acre Ocean Trace™. Again on July 18, sprayed the test trees with 3 oz./acre Ocean Trace™, mixed in 2.33 gal. of water per tree. Before spraying them, the trees looked sickly, the leaves were spotted, and the coloration was light green and uneven.

Navel orange tree. After 1 week, trees have leaf liquid drops on them, leaf color is a little better. Second week trees have a better color then control tree. Fruit also seems to have a darker green shade of color.

There is progress in the health aspects of the tree: the change of the chlorophyll color in the leaf, the leaves have become a uniform color. Leaf drop has stopped on the trees that he treated.
8/23 The coloration of the leaves is continuing to appear healthier than the control, there are not as many fruit drops, and the oranges are definitely larger.

Leachee tree. Noticed that fruit colored up quicker, the tree got a new batch of leaves, and they moved out of the petrole block quicker (became full quicker). He feels that it must be satisfying the nutrients that the tree didn’t have before.

A Minniola tree had green fungus on the bark of the tree. He sprayed it but hasn’t seen any reaction yet. But where there was overspray on a branch, the tree seemed to force some new leaves, enhancing the tree’s leafiness.

On one control tree. Sprayed half of tree on one limb, that one limb has picked up the spray and became healthy again. Then it seemed to be trying to transfer some of the nutrients to other side of tree.

Molincia orange control tree, conditions of spotted leaves, a non-uniform lighter green color, on newer leaves the coloration varies, and the tree is experiencing some leaf drop.

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