I have tried many types of fertilizer.
by J. Paul
If a soil is like a mine with its myriad of elements, then whenever man tills it, plants, crops and in other ways engages in farming, he is for all practical purposes engaged in the business of mining. Like a miner, the farmer breaks the earth with digging tools, but instead of dynamite, he plants seeds to loosen the minerals and elements from their holding matrix. And finally, he carts away his minerals in the form of food rather than ore.”
Sea Energy Agriculture, by Dr. Maynard Murray
The most disturbing aspect of this mining analogy is that farmers, through conventional fertilizer strategies, often only replace three to six of the total number of elements removed from the soil. The failure to understand the importance of all elements and their role in providing complete, balanced nutrition to plants and animals has resulted in an abundance of food that is great in bulk but low in vitality.
It is amazing that God caused the 90 elements in the ocean to occur in the very same proportions as in both blood plasma and sap (plant “blood”). Human plasma is ¼ strength sea water! Trace elements are vital to both plant and animal health. Without them, plants are easy targets for insects and disease, and cannot reach their full potential. Where will these elements come from if chemical Ag replaces only 3 to 6?
Even though we must make a living, farming is actually about growing nutritious food that enables the body to function properly. Every day there are approximately 250,000 DNA transactions in our bodies that don't take place because we are missing key elements needed to catalyze those transactions. This translates into a decreased ability for us to combat sickness and disease. Ocean Trace™ can help you to get these nutrients back into our foods.