Knowing your customer creates a targeted sale lead

Who is your customer or more specifically who is your online targeted sale lead. Really she is no different than from any other customer in the offline world. On line, she will resist sales efforts as offline. She is looking for relevant information on line as she is with a face-to-face meeting. Picture a one on one meeting and then reproduce this environment on pages with words and graphics. Talk and write to this computer monitor as your sale lead. Become your customer.

The old saying "You get a microsecond to make a first impression" is as relevant in the real life as with visitors to your web site. Keep your pages simple, clean, classy and relevant.

Remember just mirror what you do in real life.

Why is your visitor a sale lead? Because she benefits from your relationship? List these reasons. Another way is to list her wants and how you satisfy them. You know this as a businessperson.

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Many times we simply have forgotten this profile, this ideal lead. At Eagle Wood we have surveyed and talk to our customers. Our product is very personal. Nothing is more intimate than food you ingest. Our targeted sale lead will be a homeowner with a working spouse and children. Safety is a big concern so they typically drive a Volvo station wagon/SUV, or a Toyota/Honda minivan. Demographically they live in upper middle income or higher communities. Their concerns are to authenticate the farmer, his growing procedures and animals they are consuming. Being within 60 miles as local is also important that they wish to support the local community.

At Eagle Wood we surveyed our customers to find nothing but wonderful rave reviews of our meat products and how we care for our livestock. The overriding concern was the distance from the farm store to our customers. To solve this we brought the store to the customers with portable freezers to farmers markets around the state. Our website promotes farm store locations on our main page.

Eagle Wood Sample Survey - Click To Download

You know your customers. Talk to them again about your company. Use this information to project yourself on the web page talking to a targeted sale lead. You can answer her objections and eliminate her doubts before she finishes reading the entire page. Finally you offered a solution to her problem.

You ask for a call to action on your web page and she may respond. But your soft sell, consultative approach will encourage her to at least enter an email address to receive relevant information in the future.

A targeted sale lead is defined as a visitor who meets your business criteria. Later we will show you how to use the search engines to take these customer concerns and use them to create highly ranked web pages for your business.

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Products We Use and Trust

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Embassy House - Organic Loose Leaf Tea
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Certified Wild Georgia Shrimp

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